Friday, August 13, 2010



Al-Imam Muhammad al-Baqar (A.S.) once said to one of his companions: "O Jabir! It is not enough that a person says; I am a Shia and I love the Prophet (S.A.W.) and the Prophet?s family and the Imams. By Allah, a Shia is the one who is perfectly pious and obedient to Allah?s commands. Anyone else is not a Shia no matter how much they say they love Ali (A.S.) and no matter what they call themselves."

"O Jabir! Our Shias are known by these signs:
- They are truthful, trustworty and loyal;
- They always remember Allah;
- They offer their Prayers, observe fasts, and recite the Quran;
- They act nicely towards their parents;
- They help their neighbours, take care of orphans, and say nothing but good of people;
- They are worthy of people?s trust and confidence."

Jabir was listening attentively. When the Imam (A.S.) finished, Jabir said: " O son of the Prophet (S.A.W.) among the Muslims there are very few who possess these qualities."

The Imam (A.S.) replied: "Allah forbid you imagine that just to claim to love us is enough to be a Shia. No not at all. A person who says I love Ali (A.S.) but doesn?t follow Ali (A.S.) in actions is not the Shia of Ali (A.S.). Similarly, if a person says I love the Prophet (S.A.W.) but doesn?t follow the actions of the Prophet (S.A.W.), his claim will be of no use to him."

"O Jabir! Our real friend and Shias are obedient to the commands of Allah, and everyone who is disobedient to Allah is our enemy."

"O Jabir! Always be pious and chaste, and perform good deeds so as to enjoy the blessings of the Paradise. Know that the best and most honourable before Allah are the pious and the chaste

"To promote a religious, political and social foundation in preparation for the imminent return of the leader of our time - Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his return)."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

20 Tips to prepare for Holy month of Ramzan

1.. Start reading Quran daily after Salat al-Fajr.

2.. Spend some time listening to recitations from the Quran.

3.. Train yourself to go to bed early so that you can wake up for Salat al-Fajr.

4.. Keep yourself in a state of Wudu (Ablution) most of the time.

5.. Evaluate yourself daily before going to bed.

6.. Thank Allah for good deeds, and repent to Him for your mistakes and sins.

7.. Start giving Sadaqah daily , no matter how little. Make it a habit like eating and drinking.

8.. Find time to pray extras, such as Nawafal and Tahajjud prayers. Apply in conjunction with point 3 above.

9.. Spend more time reading Islamic books, especially the Quran, Hadith, and Fiqh.

10. Find time to help others with your wisdom, knowledge and other talents.

11. Try to write articles on Islam for Muslims as well as for non-Muslims.

12. Associate with Muslim scholars / Lady scholars and other pious people so that you may learn from them.

13. Train yourself to do good, render free service to others to seek the pleasure of Allah.

What to avoid

1.. Avoid/reduce watching TV; instead spend more time reading the Quran and other Islamic literature.

2.. Avoid looking at unlawful pictures, whether magazines, departmental store catalogs or otherwise.

3.. Spend free time in Masajid, Islamic organizations and make that a daily habit.

4 . If you smoke, try to reduce daily usage and cut it down for good;

5 . If you have friends who do not practice the teachings of Islam, try to avoid socializing with them.

6 . If you travel a lot on business, try to do more local business, so you can be closer to your family and community.

7 . If you are used to staying up till midnight, try to go to bed earlier, so that you will be able to wake up early for Salat al-Fajr and Tahajjud prayers as well.

Sunday, August 8, 2010




(According to the FATAWA of Ayatullah Al-Uzma Seyyid Ali-Husaini Seestani Dama-Dhilluhu)

Compiled by Yusuf G. Kermalli - E-mail:



Fasting is a protection from the fire and the alms (zakaat) of the body,

and through it a servant enters Paradise.


The sleep of the person fasting is worship, his breath and his silence are glorification of Allah (tasbih), his actions are accepted and his supplication is answered. 

The odor of his mouth, in the sight of Allah, the Exalted, is sweeter than the fragrance of musk.

The angels pray for him until he breaks his fast, and he has two joys – the joy when he breaks the            fast and the joy when he will meet Allah, the Exalted.                                                                  (Minhaaj Al-Salihin of Ayatullah Al-Sistani Dama-Dhilluhu) ___________________________________________________________________________________

FASTING ON “YAUMUL SHAK”                                                                                                      

(Doubtful whether it is the last day of Shaaban or the first day of Ramadhan)


           If one doubts whether it is the last day of Sha’baan or the first day of Ramadhan then the fast on that      day is not obligatory.   However, if one wants to fast on that day he cannot do so with the intention           of         observing the Ramadhan fast, but if he makes an intention that if it is Ramadhan then it is the      Ramadhan fast  and if it is not Ramadhan then it is  qadha’ fast or some other fast like that, his fast           will be valid.  But it is better to observe the fast with the intention of qadha’  fast or some other fast,          and if it is known later that it was Ramadhan then it will automatically be Ramadhan fast.  And if he            learns on the same day before Maghrib  that it is the first day of Ramadhan, then he should convert         the intention to the Ramadhan fast.


If you are NOT fasting on the 30th day Shaaban, then you are required to act as follows:

  • If you get the news after sunset of 30th Shaaban or later that the moon was sighted on 29th Shaaban, then you have to keep qadha of 1st Ramadhan after the month of Ramadhan.
  • If you get the news of moon sighting after zawal time (Islamic mid-day), then you should observe precaution by abstaining from eating for the rest of the day with the intention of absolute nearness (qurbat), and perform its qadha after the month of Ramadhan.
  • If you get the news of moon sighting before zawal time (Islamic mid-day), then:

a)         if you have not eaten or drunk anything or done anything which breaks fast, you must     immediately do the niyyah of fasting of       Ramadhan for that day.

b)         if you have eaten or drunk something or have done anything which breaks fast, then you             should observe precaution by abstaining from eating for the rest of the day with the intention     of absolute nearness (qurbat), and perform its qadha after that.







(a)           A person who cannot fast because of old age, or for whom fasting causes extreme hardship.  But in the latter case, he should give  one mudd  (¾ kg. [750 gms.] of food-stuff, like, wheat or barley or bread, etc.)  to a poor person for every fast.  However, if he becomes capable of fasting later, he should, on the basis of recommended precaution, give the qadha.


(b)           A person who suffers from a disease which causes excessive thirst, making it unbearable, or full of hardship.  But in the latter case, that is, hardship, he should give one  mudd of food to a poor person for every fast.  At the same time, as a recommended precaution, such a person may  not drink water in a quantity more than essential.  If he recovers later, enabling him to fast, then as a recommended precaution, he should give qadha.


Note:          Weakness is not a sufficient excuse for the permissibility of not fasting, even if excessive, unless it is distressing.  In that case breaking the fast is permissible and it is obligatory to perform its qadha after the month of Ramadhan.  Similarly if the weakness leads to the inability of doing the work necessary to earn one’s living and one is unable to do any other work, or if the worker cannot continue with the fast due to being overcome by thirst. It is necessarily more prudent for them to restrict their eating and drinking to the necessary amount and restrain themselves from eating more than necessary.   


(c)           A woman who is in advanced stage of pregnancy, for whom fasting is harmful or for the child she carries.  For every day, however, she should give one mudd (3/4 kg. [750 gms.]) of food to poor.  In both the cases, she has to give qadha for the fasts left out.


(d)           If a woman is suckling a child and the quantity of her milk is small, and if fasting is harmful to her or to the child.  But she will give one mudd of food per day to poor.  In both the cases, she will later give qadha  for the fasts left out. 


Note:          This rule is specifically applicable in a circumstance where this is the only way of feeding milk to the child (as an obligatory precaution).  But if there is an alternative, like, when more than one woman offer to suckle the child, then establishing this rule is a matter of ishkal.


(e)           A woman who is in the state of Haidh or Nifas.  She has to give qadha for the fasts left out.


(f)            If a person knows that fasting is not harmful to him, he should fast and his fast will be valid even if his doctor advises him that it is harmful.  And if a person is certain or has a strong feeling that fasting is harmful to him, he should not fast even if the doctor advises for it.  He/she is required to give qadha for the fasts left out.


It is permissible to break the fast on the basis of a doctor’s statement, if it induces the presumption (zann) or possibility of harm resulting in actual fear.  If it is not so, then it is not permissible to break the fast based on his statement.  If the doctor says that there is no harm in fasting and the person under an obligation to fast is afraid, then it is permissible for him to break the fast.  In fact, it is obligatory if the suspected harm is to a forbidden degree.  Otherwise it is permissible for him to fast in the hope of divine acceptance (raja’), and to be content with it if it later becomes evident that it was not harmful.  


Note:       It is permissible to give the fidya of several days of one month and several months to                             one person.

               It is not sufficient to give the value of the redemption (fidya).  Rather, the goods must                             be given i.e. the food. 






If the fast has been invalidated deliberately, then it makes no difference whether it was done by one who had knowledge of the rulings or was ignorant of them.  If a person intentionally and voluntarily commits an act  which invalidates fast, his/her fast becomes void and besides giving qadha, he/she is also  required to give kaffara.  However, if a person who is fasting eats or drinks something forgetfully, his/her fast remains valid.


3)         KAFFARAH


The kaffarah of leaving out a fast of Mahe Ramadhan intentionally without any shari’i valid excuse   is,     besides giving qadha of the missed fast, he is required to:


1.     free a slave, or

2.     fast for consecutively two months, or

3.     feed sixty poor people to their fill or give one mudd  (3/4 kg.) of food-stuff, like, wheat or barley or bread, etc. to each of them. For the Kaffarah it is not sufficient to feed one person twice or more, or to give him 2 mudd or more.  Rather it must be 60 people.


If a person breaks his/her fast with something haraam it is not obligatory for him/her to observe all the three kaffarah.  However, as a recommended precaution he/she should do so. The kaffarah of emancipating a slave is waived when it is no more possible.


Note:    If it is not possible for him/her to fulfill any of the above, he/she should give sadaqa according to his/her means and seek Divine forgiveness.  And the obligatory precaution is that he/she should give kaffarah as and when he/she is capable to do so.




(a)    Fasting means that a person must, in obedience to the commands of Allah, from the time of adhan for fajr prayers up to the time of adhan for maghrib prayers, avoid nine things for nearness to Allah, the Exalted (qurbatan ila’llāh).


(b)    It is not necessary for a person to pass the niyyat for fasting through his mind or to say that he would be fasting on the following day.  In fact, it is sufficient for him to decide that in obedience to the command of Allah he will not perform from the time of adhan for fajr prayers up to the time of adhan for maghrib prayers, any act which may invalidate the fast.  And in order to ensure that he has been fasting throughout this time he should begin abstaining earlier than  the time of adhan for fajr prayers, and continue to refrain for some time after the adhan  for maghrib prayers from acts which invalidate a fast.  


(c)    A person can make niyyat every night of the holy month of  Ramadhan that he would be fasting on the following day, and it is better to make niyyat on the first night of Ramadhan that  he would fast throughout that month.


(d)    The last time for making niyyat to observe a fast of Ramadhan for a conscious person, is moments before the time of adhan for fajr prayers. 


(e)    If a person sleeps before the time for fajr prayers in Ramadhan without making a niyyat, and wakes up before zuhr  to make a niyyat of fast, his fast will be in order.  But if he wakes up after Zuhr, as a precaution, he should continue with the abstinence with the niyyat of  qurbat  and then give its qadha’ also.




(f)     It is obligatory to continue the intention of fasting till the end of the day.  If somebody is undecided in his niyyat whether to break the fast or not in Ramadhan, or decides to do so, immediately his fast becomes invalid even if he does not actually break it or is repentant of his intention.


(g)    If a person makes a niyyat before the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers to observe a fast, and then goes to sleep, and wakes up after Maghrib his fast   is in order.


(h)    If a child reaches the age of puberty before the time of  adhan for fajr prayers in the month of Ramadhan he/she should keep fast, and if he/she reaches the age puberty after the adhan for fajr prayers, the fast on that day is not obligatory for him/her.


(i)     If a patient recovers from his illness before zuhr in the month of Ramadhan, and if he has not done anything to invalidate the fast, he should make niyyat and fast.  But if he recovers after zuhr, it will not be obligatory on him to fast on that day.




There are nine acts which invalidate fasts:


(i)             Eating and drinking.

(ii)            Sexual intercourse.

(iii)           Istimna which means self abuse, resulting in ejaculation.

(iv)          Ascribing false things to Almighty Allah, or His Prophet or to the successors of the Holy Prophet.

(v)           Swallowing thick dust.

(vi)          Immersing one’s head completely in water according to the common opinion (among Jurists).

(vii)         Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till the Adhan for Fajr prayers.

(viii)        Enema with liquids.

(ix)          Vomiting.


Details of these acts will be explained in the following articles:




(a)           If a person eats or drinks something intentionally, while being conscious of fasting, his fast becomes void, irrespective of whether the thing which he ate or drank was something normally eaten or drunk or whether it was small or large amount; even if a person, who is fasting, takes the tooth brush out of his mouth and then puts it back into his mouth, swallowing its liquid, his fast will be void, unless the moisture in the tooth brush mixes up with the saliva in such a way that it may no longer be called an external wetness.


(b)           If a person who is fasting eats or drinks something forgetfully, his fast does not become invalid but the moment he realizes he should immediately throw out the food or drink from his mouth.


(c)           If a person observing fast intentionally swallows something  which remained in between his teeth, his fast will be invalidated. 


Note:          If a person knows that some particles of food  which has remained in between his teeth, will go down into his stomach during the day, then he must clean his teeth with toothpick.


(d)           Swallowing saliva does not invalidate a fast, although it may have collected in one’s mouth owing to thoughts about sour things, etc..



(e)           There is no harm in swallowing one’s phlegm or mucous from head and chest as long as it does not come up to one’s mouth.  However, if it reaches one’s mouth, the recommended precaution is that one should not swallow it.


(f)            Putting water in the mouth for gargling etc., in order to ease one’s thirst, and it happens to enter the stomach.  It necessitates qadha without kaffarah.  If one forgets and swallows the water, then there is no qadha.


Note:                            Brushing the teeth using toothpaste does not invalidate the fast as long as the person does not swallow the saliva that has mixed with the toothpaste.  However, the lingering flavor or taste of the paste that mixes with saliva does not affect the fasting.




(a)           Sexual intercourse invalidates the fast, even if the penetration of the male organ was only up to the point of circumcision, and even if there has been no ejaculation.


(b)           If a fasting person indulges in courtship without the intention of allowing semen to be discharged, and also, if he is sure that semen will not be discharged, his fast is in order, even if semen may be discharged unexpectedly.  However, if he is not sure about the discharge and it takes place, then his fast is void.


(iii)       ISTIMNA (self abuse, resulting in ejaculation).


(a)           If a person, who is observing fast, performs Istimna, his fast becomes void.


(b)           If a person involves himself in Istimna  with the intention of allowing semen to be discharged, even if he does not discharge, his fast will be void.


(c)           If semen is discharged from the body of a person involuntarily, his fast does not become void.





(a)           If a person who is observing fast, intentionally ascribes something false to Allah, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w.) or his vicegerents (a.s.), verbally or in writing or by making a sign, his fast becomes void, even if he may at once retract and say that he has uttered a lie or may repent for it.  And, as a recommended precaution, he should refrain from imputing lies to Bibi Fatema Zahra (a.s.) and  the rest of the Prophets and their successors.


(b)           If a person quotes something as the word of Allah or of the Holy Prophet with the belief that it is true, but realizes later that it is false, his fast does not become void.




(a)           On the basis of obligatory   precaution, allowing thick dust to reach one’s throat makes one’s fast void, whether the dust is of something which is halal to eat, like flour, or something which is haraam to consume like dust or earth.


(b)           Allowing thin dust to reach one’s throat will not invalidate the fast.


(c)           As an obligatory precaution, a person who is observing fast, should not allow the smoke of cigarettes, tobacco, and other similar things to reach his throat.


(d)           Allergy sufferers are allowed to use an apparatus called “inhalator” to assist them in easy breathing.


(e)           Q]         Would the use of the nozzle spray that facilitates breathing invalidate the fast? 

A]         If the spray that comes out of the nozzle enters respiratory tract and not the passage      of food and drink, it does not invalidate the fast.




(a)           If a fasting person intentionally immerses his entire head in the water, his fast is known to be void according to the common opinion (among Jurists), even if the rest of his body remains out of water.  But, according to the ruling of Ayatullah As-Seestani Dama Dhilluhu, this act does not invalidate the fast; it is an extremely makrooh act, and as a measure of precaution, should be avoided.


(b)           If a fasting person immerses his head under water with the niyyat of ghusl, both his fast and ghusl will be in order.




            Intentionally remaining in a state of Janabat until dawn.  What is more apparent is that it is            specifically for the month of Ramadan and its Qadha fasts.  It does not impair other obligatory or    recommended fasts. 


If a person in janabat does not take ghusl intentionally till the time of fajr prayers, his/her fast becomes void.  And if a person, whose obligation is to do tayammum, willfully does not do it, his/her fast will also be void.


(a)        If a person gets into the state of janabat during a night in the month of Ramadhan, and does       not take ghusl intentionally till the time left before Adhan is short, he/she should perform   tayammum and observe the fast.  However, it is a recommended precaution that its qadha is          also given.


(b)        If a person is in janabat during a night in Ramadhan and knows that if he goes to sleep he will      not wake up till fajr, he should not sleep before performing ghusl and if he sleeps without       performing ghusl and does not wake up till fajr, his fast is void, and qadha and kaffarah          become obligatory on him.


(c)        When a person in janabat goes to sleep in a night of Ramadhan and then wakes up, the   obligatory precaution is that if he is not sure about waking up again, he should not go to sleep        before performing ghusl, even if he has a faint hope that he might wake up before fajr if he           sleeps again.


(d)        If a person in janabat in the night of Ramadhan feels certain or fairly hopeful that if he goes to     sleep he will wake up before the time of fajr prayers, and is determined to do ghusl upon        waking up, and oversleeps with that determination till the time of fajr prayers, his fast will be in           order.


(e)        If a person in janabat sleeps and wakes up during a night of Ramadhan and  is certain or             fairly  hopeful that if he sleeps again, he will wake up before the time of fajr prayers, with full    etermination to do ghusl after waking up, and oversleeps till the time of fajr, he should     observe the qadha of the fast of that day.  And if he wakes up from his second sleep and     goes to sleep for the third time and does not wake up till the time of fajr prayers, it is      obligatory on him to observe the qadha as well as give the kaffarah, as a recommended precaution.


(f)         When a person becomes mohtalim during sleep, the first, second and third sleep means the        sleep after waking up; and the sleep in which he became mohtalim will not be reckoned to be           the first sleep.


(g)        If a person observing fast becomes mohtalim during day time, it is not obligatory on him to do    ghusl at once.


(h)        When a person wakes up in the month of Ramadhan after the fajr prayers and finds that he          has become mohtalim his fast is in order, even  if he knows that he became mohtalim before the fajr prayers.


(i)         If a person whose obligation is tayammum after getting into the state of janabat, after     performing tayammum it is not necessary for him/her to stay awake till the time of fajr prayers.


(j)         A person who has touched a dead body can observe fast without having done ghusl for touching a dead body, and his fast does not become void even if he touches the dead body       during the fast.




(a)           If a woman becomes paak from haidh or nifas before the time of fajr prayers in the month of Ramadhan and does not do ghusl  before fajr - or in the case of time being short, tayammum - intentionally, her fast will be void.


(b)           If a woman becomes paak  from haidh or nifas just near the time of fajr prayers in the month of Ramadhan, and has no time left for ghusl or tayammum, her fast is valid.


(c)           If a woman becomes  paak from haidh or nifas after the fajr or if haidh or nifas begins during the day, even just before the maghrib time, her fast  is void.


(d)           If a woman forgets to do ghusl for haidh or nifas and remembers it after a day or more, the fasts that she has observed will be valid.


(e)           If a woman is in a sate of medium or excessive istihadha, her fast will be valid even if she does not carry out the rules of ghusls she is normally required to undertake when she is in the state of medium or excessive istihadha.


(viii)     ENEMA.


(a)           If liquid enema is taken by a fasting person, his fast becomes void even if he/she is obliged to take it for the sake of treatment. There is no harm in taking an enema with a dry substance but it is makruh to do so. 


(ix)       VOMITING.


(a)           If a fasting person vomits intentionally his fast becomes void, though he may have been obliged to do so on account of sickness.  However, the fast does not become void, if one vomits forgetfully or involuntarily.


(b)           If a fasting person is certain that if he belches, something will come out from the throat, he should not, as a precaution, belch intentionally, but there is no harm in his belching if he is not certain about it.



(c)           If a fasting person belches and something comes from his throat into the mouth, he should throw it out, and if it is swallowed unintentionally, his fast is in order.  If he  swallows it voluntarily, his fast is invalid and he must give Kaffarah,




                        (a)        It is permissible to travel during the month of Ramadan, voluntarily, even if in                                          order to escape fasting, but it is Makruh. 


(b)        A traveler for whom it is obligatory to shorten a four rak’ats prayers to two rak’ats,          should not fast.  However, a traveler who offers full prayers, like, a person who is a             traveler by profession or who goes on a journey for a haraam purpose, should fast           while traveling.


(c)        If a person does not know that the fast of a traveler is invalid and observes fast while     journeying, and learns about the rule during the day, his fast becomes void, but if he            does not learn about the rule till maghrib, his fast is valid.


(d)        If a person forgets that he is a traveler or forgets that the fast of a traveler is void,          and observes fast while journeying, his fast is invalid.


(e)        If a fasting person travels after zuhr, he should, as a precaution, complete his fast. 


(f)         If a fasting person travels before zuhr and had an intention from the previous night to      do so, he cannot fast on that day.  As a precaution, he cannot fast on that day even if       he had no intention to travel from the previous night.


(g)        A traveler is not permitted to break his fast until he reaches the limit of Tarakhkhus.         If he breaks it before that, knowing the rule, then it is obligatory for him to give the    Kaffarah.


(h)        If a traveler reaches his hometown or a place where he intends to stay for ten days or      more before Zuhr, and if he has not committed an act which invalidates a fast, he       should fast on that day.  But if he reaches after Zuhr, he cannot fast on that day.


Note:       What is apparent is that the beginning of the journey before or after Zawal, and similarly                          the return from the journey, is dependent on the town and not the limit of         Tarakhkhus.  Yes,                     the traveler is not permitted to break his fast unless he reaches the limit of Tarakhkhus.  If he               breaks it before that, knowing the rule, then it is obligatory for him to give the Kaffarah.




            (a)        It is not obligatory to perform the Qada fasts immediately, although it is more prudent –                          commendably - not to delay performing the Qada of the month of Ramadan until the next                                    Ramadan.


            (b)        It is obligatory, according to what is more prudent, for the guardian of the deceased – the                                   eldest son – to perform the Qadha fasts missed by his father due to an excuse, if the Qadha                   was obligatory for him.  This is if he was not incapable at the time of his death – due to                                 insanity or being a minor.


            Note:    As regards those fasts that the deceased missed intentionally or performed incorrectly, there                  is ishkal and in fact prohibition in attaching them to those missed by him due to an excuse.  If                    the deceased missed fasts whose Qadha is not obligatory for him, such as if he died during                his illness, it is not necessary to perform the Qadha.  


                        (c)        If a person misses all or some of the fasts of the month of Ramadan due to an illness, and that illness continues till the following Ramadan, his Qadha fasts are annulled.  Instead, he should give charity of one Mudd for each fast he missed.  But if he missed the fasts due to an excuse other than illness, the Qadha is obligatory on him and he must also give the redemption (fidya).  It is the same if the fasts have been missed due to illness and the excuse for the delay in performing the Qadha is travelling, and the reverse.


                        (d)        If the illness continues for 3 Ramadhans it is obligatory to give the fidya once for the first and once for the second.  So also if it continues for 4 Ramadhans it is obligatory to give a third time for the third Ramadan, and so on.


  (e)         If a person, without any shari’i reason does not observe qadha of the fasts left out                         during Mahe Ramadhan  till next Ramadhan, then in addition to offering the qadha of the                            fasts he/she left , on the basis of obligatory precaution, he/she will give one mudd of food to                  poor for each fast left out.



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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fasting in the last 3 days of Shabaan 1431 A.H

Fasting in the last 3 days of Shabaan 1431 A.H.
The month of Shabaan is approaching its end and the month of Ramazan
is about to start. This newsletter emphasizes the importance offasting in the last 3 days of Shabaan.Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) reports that Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) has saidthat Shabaan is my month and Ramzan is the month of Allah(swt).Therefore, if anyone observers one day of fasting during Shabaan, Iwill do his/her "shafaat" on the day of judgment, and one whoobservers two days of fasting then his/her previous sins would beforgiven and if someone observers three days of fasting then it wouldbe just like all the sins have been washed away.Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) has said that if someone observes fast during thelast three days of Shabaan and combines them with the fasting duringthe month of Ramazan then Allah(swt) will grant the sawab of twomonths of continuous fasting to that person.It is, therefore, advisable to fast in the last three days of Shabaanto become eligible for a great Sawab.Special duas to be recited during the forthcoming Ramazan have beenadded at Theseinclude:1) Duas on the advent of Ramazan to be recited upon sighting the moon. Common duas to be recited in each night of Ramazan. Dua-e-Sahar Duas after every Wajib prayer during Ramazan. Duas for each day of Ramazan. Duas in the last 10 nights of Ramazan. Aamal of Shab-e-Qadr - Text, Urdu translation, transliteration, English translationand Audio recitation of almost all the above duas are availabe.Kindly confirm in your local place the exact date of Shabaan todetermine the last 3 days.Special consideration for fast of Yawm-al-Shak==============================================( doubtful if Ramadhan month has begun) day of Shabaan is called Yamul Shak (doubtful day) if you do notreceive news about Ramadan moonsighting on 29th evening or before theend of 30th day.It is haram to fast on 30th Shabaan with the intention of 1st ofRamadan.It is Mustahab to keep fast on 30th Shabaan but the Niyyat (intention)should be either:(a) with the Niyyat of Ma fiz-zimma (to discharge my responsibility),or(b) with the Niyyat of any Qaza fast of previous Ramadan, if any, or(c) with the Niyyat of Mustahab Shabaan fast.If you do a double Niyyat of fasting (i.e. 30th Shabaan or 1stRamadan), then such a Niyyat is wrong according Ayatullah Khui, but itis OK according to Ayatullah Khomeini and Ayatullah Seestani.If you are fasting on 30th Shabaan, and if, at any time on that day,you get the news of moon sighting of 29th Shabaan, then you mustimmediately change Niyyat to Niyyat of 1st of Ramadan.If you have fasted on 30th Shabaan (with any Niyyat), and afterwardsyou come to know that it was 1st of Ramadan, then your fast willautomatically be counted as fast of 1st of Ramadan.If you are not fasting on 30th Shabaan, then following actions arenecessary on you:(a) If you get the news after sunset of 30th Shabaan or later that themoon had been actually sighted on evening of 29th Shabaan, then youhave to keep Qaza of 1st Ramadan after the month of Ramadan.(b) If you get the news of moon sighting after Zawal time (Islamic mid-day), then it is haram to eat or drink or do anything, which is notallowed during fasting from that time onward until Iftar time on thatday, and you have to do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.(c) If you get the news of moon sighting before Zawal time (Islamicmid-day), then(i) if you have not eaten or drunk anything or done anything whichbreaks fast, you must immediately do the Niyyat of fasting of Ramadanfor that day,(ii) if you have eaten or drunk something or have done anything whichbreaks fast, then you have to act as if fasting for the rest of theday, and then do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.
Thanking you with regards,AsSeraat Hadees Channel 9022612892"The one who has the most blessed life is the one who supports others during his life"
~ Imam Ali ibne Abu Talib(asws).'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'