Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fasting in the last 3 days of Shabaan 1431 A.H

Fasting in the last 3 days of Shabaan 1431 A.H.
The month of Shabaan is approaching its end and the month of Ramazan
is about to start. This newsletter emphasizes the importance offasting in the last 3 days of Shabaan.Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) reports that Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) has saidthat Shabaan is my month and Ramzan is the month of Allah(swt).Therefore, if anyone observers one day of fasting during Shabaan, Iwill do his/her "shafaat" on the day of judgment, and one whoobservers two days of fasting then his/her previous sins would beforgiven and if someone observers three days of fasting then it wouldbe just like all the sins have been washed away.Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) has said that if someone observes fast during thelast three days of Shabaan and combines them with the fasting duringthe month of Ramazan then Allah(swt) will grant the sawab of twomonths of continuous fasting to that person.It is, therefore, advisable to fast in the last three days of Shabaanto become eligible for a great Sawab.Special duas to be recited during the forthcoming Ramazan have beenadded at Theseinclude:1) Duas on the advent of Ramazan to be recited upon sighting the moon. Common duas to be recited in each night of Ramazan. Dua-e-Sahar Duas after every Wajib prayer during Ramazan. Duas for each day of Ramazan. Duas in the last 10 nights of Ramazan. Aamal of Shab-e-Qadr - Text, Urdu translation, transliteration, English translationand Audio recitation of almost all the above duas are availabe.Kindly confirm in your local place the exact date of Shabaan todetermine the last 3 days.Special consideration for fast of Yawm-al-Shak==============================================( doubtful if Ramadhan month has begun) day of Shabaan is called Yamul Shak (doubtful day) if you do notreceive news about Ramadan moonsighting on 29th evening or before theend of 30th day.It is haram to fast on 30th Shabaan with the intention of 1st ofRamadan.It is Mustahab to keep fast on 30th Shabaan but the Niyyat (intention)should be either:(a) with the Niyyat of Ma fiz-zimma (to discharge my responsibility),or(b) with the Niyyat of any Qaza fast of previous Ramadan, if any, or(c) with the Niyyat of Mustahab Shabaan fast.If you do a double Niyyat of fasting (i.e. 30th Shabaan or 1stRamadan), then such a Niyyat is wrong according Ayatullah Khui, but itis OK according to Ayatullah Khomeini and Ayatullah Seestani.If you are fasting on 30th Shabaan, and if, at any time on that day,you get the news of moon sighting of 29th Shabaan, then you mustimmediately change Niyyat to Niyyat of 1st of Ramadan.If you have fasted on 30th Shabaan (with any Niyyat), and afterwardsyou come to know that it was 1st of Ramadan, then your fast willautomatically be counted as fast of 1st of Ramadan.If you are not fasting on 30th Shabaan, then following actions arenecessary on you:(a) If you get the news after sunset of 30th Shabaan or later that themoon had been actually sighted on evening of 29th Shabaan, then youhave to keep Qaza of 1st Ramadan after the month of Ramadan.(b) If you get the news of moon sighting after Zawal time (Islamic mid-day), then it is haram to eat or drink or do anything, which is notallowed during fasting from that time onward until Iftar time on thatday, and you have to do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.(c) If you get the news of moon sighting before Zawal time (Islamicmid-day), then(i) if you have not eaten or drunk anything or done anything whichbreaks fast, you must immediately do the Niyyat of fasting of Ramadanfor that day,(ii) if you have eaten or drunk something or have done anything whichbreaks fast, then you have to act as if fasting for the rest of theday, and then do Qaza of 1st of Ramadan later on.
Thanking you with regards,AsSeraat Hadees Channel 9022612892"The one who has the most blessed life is the one who supports others during his life"
~ Imam Ali ibne Abu Talib(asws).'When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.'

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